Buffy - Walk Through the Fire

From the episode
"Once more with feeling"
An episode made like a musical, I love it. Seen it a dozen times or more.
From season six

Spike is a sexy bastard.. grrr.

Paranormal state. Part two

I suppose I got a bit carried away with part one.  I never got around to why I wasn't a beliver. So let's start over.

I do think that there is stuff that science can't explain. Because some stuff science can't explain! Mothman for example, too many people saw this thing, too many people who didn't know eachother. And when science stands handfallen, what else to belive in?

Yes, I think that there is something out in the woods that looks at us from a safe distance. I don't know what it is, vampires? Werewolfs? Pixies? Trolls? Goblins? I don't know, but I'm sure there is something thats watching us. Cuz I can feel they watching me when sometimes.

But like I said, I don't know if I do, or want to, belive in ghosts and demons. I suppose it scares me to much. And if I belive, they will become real. And if they become real it will scare the hell out off me! Thats why it's better for me "not" believing.
Sure I want to belive, but a part of me just don't want to, because it's to scary. Arghh.. This is just hard to explain.

Well. If you want to talk to me about it, just send me an e-mail :  [email protected]

Btw. the stuff about Ryan Buell? Thats still true. ^^
Yeah I'm a peculiar girl.  But why be like everyone else when you can be yourself?

Perhaps I should write about myself, introduce myself to my (right now non-existing) readers. Yeah I'll do that. Read that one instead!

Paranormal state. Part one

Katrina, Heather, Eilfie, Sergey and Ryan
Paranormal State

Around a week ago I discovered a program called Paranormal State that runs on channel five here in Sweden. I'm not a true beliver. I do think that there is stuff that science can't explain. I do belive that there is stuff in the woods thats looking at us from a safe distanse. I'm just not sure if I do, or want to, belive in ghosts and demons.

Spirits? Yeah, I think there is stuff that watches over us.
Both of my grandfathers is dead and I know that atleast one of my gradfathers is watching over me. I can hardly remember my dads father beside when he was in the hospice. But I remember my mums dad more. I remember playing with him even thou I was very young. I remember that he was a warm, light person and I think that he's the one thats watching over me. Since I was very young when he died I never had.. time.. really.. to grief. I was to young to go to the funeral but I have stuff that I've gotten from him, a Liseberg rabbit and a porcelain pig. Thats stuff that I relate to him. And when I was around fifteen I was cleaning in my room and I found something, I can't remember what it was, but I started thinking about him and I cried. I cried and I cried. I think that was my griefing point.

Hmm. Where were I. Yeah. I'm not sure if I do, or want to, belive in ghosts and demons. I have never experienced anything paranormal except one unexplained feeling I had like ten years ago. My boyfriend laughed it off and said that everyone has somewhere where they feel scared. He was scared when he had to go down into the basment when he was young. I too had a place where I was scared. I wasn't the only one feeling scared there. The place is a playground between my parents house and my bestfriends parents house. My best friend hated walking over it alone so I had to follow her, and then I ran home. I always ran home from her, sometimes she followed me to the end of her road but she never wanted to follow me onto the playground. One evening I was running home as usual, but as soon as I entered the playground it felt like someone or something was following me.  I never saw anyone, It just felt like something where right beside my neck and I ran, I don't think I've ever been running so fast, neither before nor after. It scared me shitless. I can still feel the panic I felt when I was running. Still I don't know why I was so scared or what I ran from.
Perhaps thats why I don't want to belive in ghosts and demons. Because if I belive, then what was it that scared me?
Ofcourse the playground always have scared me. I had nightmares about it when I was little and the last nightmare I remember involved my littlesister, who was a baby then. So I suppose I had the nightmares until I was around ten? But the whole point of this endless text is that I was always scared when I crossed that playground, but only that scared once.

So why do I watch paranormal state? Even thou it scares the shit out of me? Even thou I can't sleep when I've been watching it?
I honestly don't know. I find it interesting. I enjoy hearing about paranormal stuff even thou it scares me. I hate not knowing. I think that I, just like Ryan Buell in Paranormal State, want to find answers. It's just that I'm such a coward. I don't want to run around looking for ghosts. I think I will stay this way. I think that the more I watch these kind of shows and read about stuff I open up more and I don't want that. I like being closed and not being capable to drawn ghosts and other stuff since I'm not open towards them.
Since I've been having trouble sleeping when I watch this show I've been thinkin about reading about closing my chakras. And after last night when I hardly got any sleep I've finally started reading about where the chakras are so I can close myself completely.

Everyone has seven chakras. I'm going to try to translate them, but I will leave the swedish sentence below.
The rootchakra: Is located within the tail vertebra (thats my own translation, some words is harder to translate)
Rotchakrat: Sitter innanför svanskotan
The stomachchakra: Located below the belly
Magchakrat: Sitter strax under naveln
Solarplexus: Located where the ribs join above the belly
Solarplexus: Sitter där revbenen går ihop ovanför buken
The heartchakra: In the middle of the chest
Hjärtchakrat: Sitter mitt på bröstet
The neckchakra: Located in the  "fossa jugularis". The "cavity" right under the front of the neck.
Halschakrat: Sitter i halsgropen
Third eye: In the middle of the forhead
Tredje Ögat: Sitter Mitt i pannan
The crownchakra: On the top of the head. (This one you can never close completely)
 Kronchakrat: Sitter mitt uppå huvudet

If this works? Don't know. But I will really put it up for a test tonight since I've downloaded Paranormal State Season 1 and watched it today. So if I have trouble sleeping tonight, I will test this thing with the chakras and see if I will feel safer afterwards.

If you haven't looked at Paranormal State, do it. I know some people aren't belivers and laughs at this sort of stuff ( like my boyfriend ), and I know that some people are like me, curious and wanting to know more.
I'm just one of those who don't seek to find. I'm comfortable right here. I think that if I ever see anything it will give me a heartattack. Seriously.

I would love to talk to Ryan Buell. He seem to be a nice and funny person. I like that kind of people.  And the more I read about him ( Ryan Buells blog ) the more interested I become. No, not in THAT way. Just knowing him would be interesting. Perhaps just to balance my boring life.
So. If you ever read this Ryan Buell, send me a comment on where to contact you, and lets laugh together. And I need to practise on my english anyway.   :)  Hm. I think i kinda sidetracked with this last part.. Humm.. Well. I suppose I've said everything I wanted to say soo..


To get in touch with me e-mail: [email protected] or leave a comment (and somewhere where I can reply  to)

From time to time I will write stuff in english, and if you want to read everything I've been writing in english then look for  "totally english" on the right side, press it and voilá! Everything I ever writed in english on this blog. And please don't roll me in tar and feathers for my bad english. If I write anything that isn't right, please tell me so I can correct it. I'm a swedish girl, living in sweden, I graduated from highschool four years ago and don't have so many chances to work on my english anymore. So it sucks. I know. Teach me instead of mocking me. Help me instead of laughing at me. Please?

Konsten att ha dåligt samvete

Det är sjukt varmt idag. Jag smälter bort.
Svetten bara rinner nerför pannan och mellan brösten.


Tur att man köpte två liter glass igår.
Den där extra smaskiga glassen.

Vit-, choklad- och mörkchokladglass med chokladsås.

Jag och bästisen har ingått en pakt.
Vi får inte äta godis/glass/kakor på vardagarna utan bara på fredag, lördag och söndag.

Tuuur att det är söndag idag..
Annars hade jag verkligen kreverat här i värmen.

Har dock inte riktigt förstått hur jag ska klara mig i dundervarma turkiet i september.
Dit ska jag och bästisen, därav pakten. Det är nämligen en gå-ner-i-vikt-och-bli-gudomligt-smal-pakt.
Kommer ju vara ännu varmare i turkiet i september.
Tur att vi har nära till vattnet då.

Frågade sambon om han ville ha glass.
Han sa nej.

Får la helt enkelt äta glass o bli tjock i min ensamhet då
Bästisen är på stranden med okänd person
Sambon spelar datorspel online
Jag äter glass o blir tjock

The restart

Efter att ha misslyckats totalt med min gå-ner-i-vikt-blogg, jag glömmer, jag förtränger och jag orkar inte skriva ner allt, så har jag bestämt mig för att börja om på nytt, med något annat.  Jag har redan en blogg, en såndär-blogg-som-börjar-bra-men-sedan-spårar-ut-eller-din-sambos-systrar-börjar-läsa-den ( Ja jag älskar att binda ihop ord med bindestreck för att vara övertydlig. ). Det gååår inte att vara sådär brutalärlig om livet när hälften av alla som läser faktiskt känner dig personligt..

Denna blogg ska vara (till skillnad från min andra gosiga personliga blogg) vara:

Humoristisk ( jag försöker alltid, misslyckas oftast)
Seriös ( Haha, who am I kidding? )

Jag ger upp. Jag vet inte vad det här är för blogg egentligen, men den kommer för det mesta bestå av engelska inlägg.

Fuck it. Den blir som den blir.

Vem är jag då?
Säg det.
Än har jag inte lyckats ta reda på exakt vem jag är. Jag saknar dock henne. Hon som jag var för några år sedan. Den där glada, fjantiga tjejen med obegränsad livsglädje. Hon som sjöng, kanske inte jättebra, men från hjärtat. Hon som dansade, hon kanske slog sig under tiden, men hon älskade det ändå. Hon som alltid hade tid till alla andra, och som andra hade tid för. Hon som tog dag som den kom, även om hon planerade framåt.
Vart tog hon vägen tro? Försvann hon med all skit som hänt henne sedan dess? Eller började hon försvinna när hon inte var lycklig längre?
Lycklig förresten, var är det? Trygghet? Det var längesedan.
Jag säger inte att jag mår bra, men jag säger inte att jag mår dåligt.
Jag balanserar, på en tråd, som sakta men säkert blir en bräda, en brygga, en borg.
Jag klarar mig, gör du?

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